Showing posts with label kinetics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kinetics. Show all posts

Monday, December 20, 2010

Verticality - Getting there

A lot of things, thoughts, have been running around in my head and yet I am unable to reign any one thought in enough to dwell over it and put it down into coherent words. In truth I am yet to break free  of the hibernation mode. Hence the long days of silence. Anyhow, I decided to try and resume writing by taking the easy way out - journalling Sid's latest developments.

Onto Two Little Feet: Its really amazing how we take for granted acts like standing, walking and running, considering how difficult it is to actually just get off our bums and onto two very unstable little feet. To get a hold someplace (mostly very wrong places like ends of a bed sheet) then attempt to pull oneself up, keep falling back onto your bum till finally you manage to get up; And all for what, just as things start looking interesting on the new surface and you excitedly extend your hands to grab something, you are back on your bum, and this time the fall is very hard too (from all that height). Wow! watching this cycle gives one a new appreciation of the things we do with ease, without thinking twice. More importantly it teaches us what determination is. Just to keep on and on at something that is so painful and difficult till one gets it so right one doesn't have to think twice about it. You gotta learn it from these little ones. Anyhow, Sid is currently (as of late November) at this painful stage.


What has now become a "can do with no effort" activity is sitting up and playing. all the see-sawing and falling off has finally, thankfully ended. (though of course, it was less painful to fall while sitting compared to while standing)


serious speech

 Talkie Talk: Communication has progressed to a lot of single syllable sounds like ta-ta, tha tha,  and so on. He looks at the respective thing when asked where the light is, fan is, where Danny is, or the Christmas star. He knows where to look for flowers ("poo" in Malayalam) in the garden and has learned to say poo as well. He has started saying "atha" and only calls for "amma" (mom) when he is crying or wants something. All the baby sounds he makes has finally made communication a 2-way process of speaking if not hearing and understanding.

Food, The New Struggle: I do realise that I have written an entire article about the difficulties of feeding but however much I write, it seems I haven't even begun to cover the difficulties. How I wish babies, who otherwise are really intelligent you know, had been born with the basic understanding that food can assuage hunger. its a really vicious circle. Hunger makes him cranky - cranky makes him difficult to sit at a place or open his mouth - thus becoming more hungry!

The Games We Play:
Break the Glass - Course, the ultimate favorite thing right now, as soon as he is left on the ground, is to hold on to the centre table, climb up and bang on the glass top as hard as possible. really scary game.

pushing the chair round

Mover Boy: Another latest fad is to sit at the leg of any furniture and try to drag it back and forth. The hospital provided plastic chair are real fun cos they actually move and make a lot of noise. However, Sid tries this on everything, from suitcases under the bed to the bed itself.

Pick and Drop: Nah! this isn't about techie travel tails. Sid's latest game is to throw everything onto the ground and then have them picked up by others, repeatedly. Also, as soon as he sees anything on the surface of the table it all goes down in a single swish. That's rather more convenient to bang the table top.

Tabla Boy: So right after he sees something new and before it goes into his mouth his latest interest is to hit it again and again with his hands to see if it makes any interesting noise, oh uh I mean sound. 

That and a million other wonderful instances as well as not so wonderful eating (read not eating) and sleeping (read sleepless) and falling (read head bumps) instances have made the last month fun for mama and Sid.

biting away at mama's hand

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Once again, this post is a conjunction of what should ideally have been many different regularly updated posts. However, due to extremely hectic developmental days (the same ones that I should be writing about), my own laziness and more importantly because it is much more fun to be enjoying Sid than writing about him, I have been putting the whole baby diary bit in the back burner. Finally, since a new month starts today, and he is past his 6 months landmark, I decided to update all the interesting tit bits of the last month.

Blabber Boo Bits: 
In the middle of a speech

The month began with a lot of bubble blowing, pffffffffft and pa poo sounds. The most delighted with this development was granddad who kept repeating "appuppa" (grandfather in Malayalam) to Sid and Sid seemed to be managing a very similar sounding response. However, like with all his practices this one also lasted only for a 2-3 days (I'm very thankful for that time frame especially with regards to the screaming bit). This progressed to an inward breathing "ka" sound which was very weird but seemed to thrill Sid. The essence of all the special thrills with these stages is having everyone repeat after him and Sid tends to find that hilarious. And since the universe thrives to make a baby laugh, the house has become a constant babble of meaningless repetitions.
And now, since yesterday, Sid has slowly started conversing in ak ka ka ka sounds. Especially when everyone around him is talking to each other, he tends to go ak ka ka in varying pitches and volumes like its part of the conversation. 

Crawlingly Mobile:
Learning to Crawl

After all the turning, toppling and moving in reverse, Sid finally decided to pull himself forward. This happened about a week back and now we are crawling "worm style" full force forward. Right now I'm really glad I am not the one to wash his clothes cos they are as good as a mop by the time he has dragged himself around half the house on his chest, especially since his favourite places are under tables, chairs and beds. Hope he gets off his chest and onto his hands and knees very soon for the sake of his clothes. His favorite pass time at the moment is to chase plastic bottles (when one is looking. The moment you turn he will be lunging after floor mats and slippers!).
The weirdest moment was last day when Sid thought it was a game that whenever he tried to follow mama into a particular room she came running, put him back outside and then disappeared again. Actually though, it wasn't a game. I just had to use the restroom and as usual left the door open to ensure I could hear Sid, never imagining him to follow me  inside, crawling (yeesh!).

Games and Fun

His grandma has been singing to him a sweet little Malayalam rhyme of 4 lines accompanied by closing and opening of her fist  for about 3 months now. Finally her patience paid off when last week he started closing and opening his fist right back at her. Eventually he just had to hear the rhyme to start opening and closing his fist. Now he opens and closes it at everyone leaving outsiders bewildered at the gesture.

Misc New Habits
    A few Seconds of Sitting
    Weird Sitter: Sid has been trying to pull himself up to a sitting position from his back by holding our hands. Has been trying this for quiet some time. Now all he needs is just some place to hold with one hand while pushing hi,self up with the other. With a tiny nudge from us he can now reach a sitting position and hold it for some seconds too by himself. This is kind of weird though as normally babies are known to start sitting up while lying on their tummies.
    Scary Girls:  We have discovered that when faced by strangers, he smiles at/ does not cry when men pick him up or play with him but cries or looks away when women do the same.
  • Mama's Pet: A new developent this month is Sid's special attachment to Moi. Even when around his grandpa and grandma, he has to know I am around and whenever he sees me I recieve huge smiles of pleasure. Even to sleep, eat and everything he needs his mama, and grandma is not enough. Now this is all very flattering and I am at the top of the world, but then a little free time would also be highly appreciated.
  • Time Waster: Sleep (especially at day time) has gone down even further (like I had ever thought that possible!) now that there are so many better ways to spend time and so many new corners to explore. There are nights though I get about an hours sleep at times instead of half hour and so on. I'm hoping and praying these are signs of improvement. (Thought long and hard about writing that one. Didn't wanna jinx it).
I am sure there are many more tit bits that I am missing and will have to add in later. However, for the time being I stop right here as this has gone on long enough time wise and space wise. By the way, since I started this post 2 days back, I have realised that its not that I am lazy, I really am not getting any time whatsoever to sit down and write posts in between meal making, retrieving slippers and stuff from Sid and retrieving Sid himself from under beds and tables.  

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Warrior Boy

Our Sid is comparatively an early teether. He got his bottom 2 incisors by around 5 months and 2 weeks! The thing about Teething is that its an extremely painful and irritating process. Just imagining the teeth cutting through the gums makes me squirm with pain and discomfort and too heartbreaking to watch. At times I feel so helpless that there isn't anything I can do to help Sid and then keep reminding myself that ALL of us have gone through it and so will he.

With his Teether
When babies are faced with this discomfort and irritation, there biggest need is to bite and gnaw at whatever they can lay there hands on. Many doctors recommend buying teethers for your babies to bite on. Very good advice of course, not only because it gives your baby some welcome relief but also keeps him occupied playing with the teether. EXCEPT (aah there it comes) we must remember that teething usually happens somewhere close to or after 8 months (usually being the operative word). By this stage their hand eye coordination is excellent - by which I mean the baby takes the teether into his mouth, if that is where he wants it, not into his eye. Now, you see the challenge. Sid is still too young and has not yet perfected his HE coordination. His movements are jerky and whatever he has in his hands has a danger of hitting his eye.

But then Sid has a solution to this problem too. Because, whatever we do or don't give him, his favourite thing to bite is our hands. So don't be too thrilled as soon as he grabs your hand. His intentions are to make two very deep and painful imprints on them. When he has his own hands in his mouth, he is very careful to cushion them on his tongue but as soon as he spots a careless prey, bang! within no time you can hear howling and screaming around you. I have also discovered, at my own very painful expense, that he loves to bit cheeks, nose and then whatever he can reach around him including furniture. His latest favourite is to bite down hard on my shoulder when I am carrying him around, especially when he wants me to walk around with him and I keep standing in one place. Additionally, he also directs his mount (me the elephant) by kicking and pushing against me.  
Another favorite "teether" - Mama's Mob
A Note to the Unaware: Some additional modes of attacks you may experience are hair pulling ( i wonder how he always gets his hands on the hair around the edges that hurt the most!), scratching (people I meet have been asking me if we have a new kitten), kicking and punching (I am not kidding, he can hurt!) and supersonic screaming into your ears that can be the end of your eardrums! Beware.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

When Your'e Happy and U Know It, Turn Around

As of yesterday Sid discovered that turning from his back to tummy and then back again in the same direction can help him travel some distances. His delight on being able to go back from his tummy to his back by himself was amazing. Earlier once on his tummy, he would lie there for  some time and then start hollering till he was put back on his back. But now when he managed it himself, he keeps rolling from his tummy to his back and vice versa as soon as he is laid down .

The thing is he only rolls to his right side, always. He just does not roll to his other side at all. This means once he starts turning he is just rolling and rolling till he is off the mat to the floor. Though its all fun to look at the scary part now is that he just CANNOT be left unattended on the bed for even a second.

And can someone please tell me if its OK that he only rolls to one side and eventually will pick up the skill for the other side too?