Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Centre of My Universe

Taking the advice of my dearest friend, today I decided to start my "baby blog". Have been thinking about it for some time now t never could get up the energy to write now that there is a baby around. Had even thought of the name "My Kid, Sid" some time ago but as always needed a nudge from the right quarters to get moving. Thanks again Teenz.

In the last almost four months (actually even for the 9 months before) my world has seen a drastic, earth shattering, universe quaking change. Even that description is such an understatement!

This event was the arrival of my Son, Sidharth, into our lives on 06th April, 2010. I have in passing wondered over the similarity of the words "son" and "sun" in the past but let me tell you, there is absolutely nothing to wonder about. Just like the rising sun brings a new dawn, with new hopes, dreams, opportunities and chances, so does the arrival of this little being into your life - from here life as you knew it doesn't exist and everything is NEW. And just like the Sun, he has, in the first few seconds of his arrival, made it impossible to imagine surviving this life, this world any other way, but with him in the centre of it and all of us orbiting around...

With this blog I want to welcome you Sid, the meaning of my life, into this world and to try and capture all of our times together - special moments, feelings, fun, growing up times, tantrums, my messages to you and everything.

Hope to keep the words flowing more regularly than in the other blog...

1 comment:

  1. I told ya! I think I can happily say that after reading this.
    I bet Sid is going to enjoy reading all u both! Miss you Archana!
